
Benefits of NIR Spectrometer from lab to the industries

The NIR spectrometer lately generated Fourier Transform near Infrared Spectrometer (FT-NIR). Agilent UV-Vis & UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy is widely known as the first industry to harden FT-NIR technology to ensure harsh conditions. It also uses optics of state-of-the-art for exceptional stability and sensitivity. Here is some importance to this instrument:

Top-quality designs products with lesser time

There’s been a constant enhancement in designs that offered a consistent top quality outcome with lesser downtime, direct transfer method, and new payable application. The NIR equipment is both used in factory and lab, thus eliminating new instrument need during the integration process with the control system.

Eliminates the need for new equipment

Additionally, NIR equipment moved directly from the laboratory into the factory. It removes the need for any other equipment, mainly when you always use the integration process into the control process system. It can be integrated easily due to the industry’s full support.


For procedure control and automated laboratory applications

Raman Spectrometer is the most successful NIR device mainly developed for procedure control and automated laboratory applications. The NIR system stresses Optimized Raman Spectroscopy, an On-Axis spectrograph, and a standard grating covering used by Raman range of signature.

It requires low maintenance

Most NIR equipment is manufacture without moving parts and thus makes it free from any mechanical wear. So, this feature makes it require lesser maintenance. An integrated diode laser can offer 532 nm or 756 nm with diverse available power. NIR system also comes with Class three-light safeties covered with 19 interlocks.

Compatible with diverse choices of labs

NIR spectrometer has transferred the NIR spectrometer into new heights by making it compatible with various labs, glass, site, and immersion probes process. Thus, it allows real-time monitoring process from the remote area.

 The Raman Research is the most sensitive device meant to use both extensive collection and illumination area. The illumination of large design reduces the vulnerability of easier misalignment and also decreased heterogeneity effects issues. Utilize calibrations technology method to obtain standard Raman range

NIR Spectroscopy uses calibration technology to achieve the standard Raman range that has long and short term accuracy. Sure, Cal technology also allows a standard collection range to be independent for instrument instabilities. NIR equipment is also easier to operate, maintain, and implement. The NIR spectrometer has been compacted with fiber spectrometer measured from 900 nm to 2500 or 2000 nm, 4500nm with a resolution of 8cm.


Aglient UV-Vis & UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy is a popularly known unique scanner that used an exceptional actuator fabricated to modern micro machine technology. This equipment only requires one detector that guarantees the highest dynamic spectrum. It also allows for an attractive pricing. Visit NIA spectroscopy for more information.

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